It’s time to start planning for the South Eastern Mini in Charleston, SC again

Here we go!

I’m updating the website slowly, so maybe by the time you read this, the information will be current.

The 2013 county hunter mini convention for South East US is October 7, 8 and 9, back at the same place everyone wanted it to be!

See you in Mt. Pleasant in October!

The number of attendees are down this year to the SEMINI

With only a day left before the deadline to reserve rooms, I note our numbers are down a bit. Also, the group headed to the Fat Hen is down too.

If you are NOT going to the Fat Hen, you are missing out on a wonderful meal, and one of the best opportunities to chit-chat with fellow county hunters, please consider going!

The Brews Cruise has only garnered the interest of a couple people.  Maybe once we get to the convention, we can build enthusiasm for that.

I have a question for you – If you are *NOT* coming this year, could you use the CONTACT form above or REPLY here and let me know why?  What can we do to make it more interesting?

Do we need a new city?

Do we need to consider moving back to a Thursday, Friday and Saturday?

Do we need more activities?

Are we getting too old to have fun? (I can’t fix that)

Your input is greatly appreciated!


John / W5UGD

The deadline for booking your hotel room at the Mt. Pleasant Patriots Point Quality Inn is Sept 7th

You’ve only got a couple weeks to get your room booked at the Mt. Pleasant Patriots Point Quality Inn. They hold rooms for the Southeast mini county hunter convention until Sept 7th.

To get the special deal, mention Amateur Radio.


W5UGD / John M. Hoyt

Gifts for the prize table – some suggestions

For all the years that I have been going to the southern mini county hunter conventions, there has always been a prize table. Originally at the 3M, or MMM, or whatever you want to call it, and then at the SEMINI. I was told this is tradition, so we have stuck with it.

It’s kind of cool to see what people bring, and always a challenge to find just the right thing to put on that table. We always try to give something that is unique to the region, so those who visit will find a little something different than what they get at home, though, in a pinch we have gone for a more “commercial” product.

Items that have been on the table include:

  • Handmade quilts and afghans – completely incredible artistic creations.
  • Art – some purchased, some made.
  • Beer & wine – There’s quite a number of people who exchange micro-brews and wines.
  • Food items, chocolates, candies, etc.
  • Map books, log books.
  • Coax, dacron / nylon rope, antenna resonators, etc.
  • World clocks and other ham radio related gadgets.
  • Tools (you travel in a car, everyone needs a tool now and again).

Oh it doesn’t stop there by any means… There have even been a few funny gifts.

I received an email today though that made me think – KB0BA / N0XYL stated that number of county hunters are in fact diabetic and alternatives to foods and alcohol may be a great idea!

If you remember some great gifts of the past, please reply here!


John M. Hoyt / W5UGD

New look for the SEMINI site!

It has been a long time coming, but we finally changed the look of the original SEMINI site to something more appealing.

More importantly, it gives lots of flexibility regarding the future, and the ability to allow more than one person to maintain the content!

If you have any suggestions, or issues, please let me know…

DE W5UGD / John M. Hoyt